ROUGH NOTES – a Canadian musical in development

This link was set up initially, more as a blog/journal. For a better-organized website with category menus, please see our LOVELY new website:

main official site here:

Traditional yet with fresh features, Rough Notes is an historically Canadian musical with rurals juxtaposed with royals, melding a mosaic of music about life, love and literary pursuits whirling in on the winds of WWII.script covergood front, RN, gookum

Rough Notes – an historical Canadian musical – keep scrolling for more about its early development!

OR  go to the official main website here:


A Merry Christmas 2021 to all our readers, dramaturgs, backers, etc. – From the Rough Notes Creative Team !  Either watch the video (with illustrations and a few sound effects added), or below this, just the Soundcloud song excerpt (where you can also find other demos from Rough Notes).



We’ve been accepted into the 2021 365 Women Playwrighting Project! So stay tuned for more about Susan Buchan, Tilly Winslow, Genevieve Lipsett and Gookum Perley Bear! Also, some readings will be done at local libraries in October.  See the main website: or McKencroft Productions on FB for details!

UPDATE FOR WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9, 2020: As some of you know, thanks to the efforts of Natasha MacLellan (artistic director of Theatre New Brunswick) the playwrights of 3 NB musicals were selected to have dramaturgy work done by Charlottetown Festival’s artistic director and former Broadway/Toronto/West End star Adam Brazier. (For those of you from my southwestern Ontario area, he’s married to Delhi-born actress Melissa Kramer; google either of them for more details).  So, on Wednesday and Saturday mornings I joined him via Zoom to have some serious discussions on what now needs to happen with the script.  

zoom with adam

2nd zoom, adam, nov 2020

Essentially, as “an experiment” (polite editor-speak for “this is what needs to be done permanently!”), yet more characters, dialogue and a few more songs are being cut from what is the 6th draft of the already-painful process of revising, editing and rewriting.  (For those of you that know the script, real-life Fred Pereira and his Jessie-May Cross are gone, Anna Buchan will only be once referred to, as will the ties with Ottawa Little Theatre .   The first 3 scenes have been amalgamated into 1: so the Buchans crossing on ‘the train’ and their highland duet  “From Perth to Perth” has been cut, and “Share The Lair” has been replaced by a shorter, less silly/fun new song: “The Plan for the Planet”. )

The talented Cameron Slipp is still working away at the Rough Notes music thanks in part to your contributions to this show, and he will be joining us Thursday night for a Theatre New Brunswick live-stream discussion entitled “Writing A Musical”.  You are all being offered access to watch this!  The link is below, and you can set a reminder for yourself there as well. ( NOTE: While it’s a live stream starting at 7:30 NB time/6:30 ON time and 8:00 NL time, I believe it will remain on youtube for 48 hours following.  But in case not: best to catch it live!)  Artistic Directors Adam and Natasha, as well as Cameron and myself and the creative teams of the other 2 NB musicals will be hosted by Fredericton native, professional actor Tony Lepage (from the most recent Broadway cast of Come From Away).  You can comment if you’re watching it LIVE (not after), so make sure you give us a shout, say you’re a Rough Notes’ supporter, or you can’t wait to see it workshopped/staged, etc!

 Here’s the  link:  -( copy and paste it  in your url – it’s not ‘live’/blue until it’s live!) and I do hope you’ll join us ! It’s a great way to feel, perhaps for the first time, that YOU are an important part of this big creative process too.  Please keep safe and healthy, and ‘see’ you on the 12th!  Julie



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Rough Notes Synopsis:   It’s the eve of our nation entering WWII – another great horror, so soon after the FIRST… and 3 Canadian couples at different ages and stages are about to be vastly affected. Here the Scottish, French and Maliseet rural peoples of New Brunswick are juxtaposed with the real-life representative Royals, combating a spy and an undercover female journalist at Rideau Hall; here, the joys and sorrows of this tense time in our history are witnessed from the eyes of a 7 year old boy, the daughter of the first woman of colour to graduate UNB, as well as a world- famous author with only a month to live.

there’s lots below about the true stories within the show, production work, bios. – AND even some mock-ups of scenes! 

All the most recent happenings re: this exciting new musical with “a bit of everything for everyone'” are at the top…   so scroll down to find out what ‘Rough Notes’ is all about and from whence it came!

Rough Notes: new Canadian musical with both fictional and true-life historical characters, in both urban and rural settings.

3rd BFG article, Oct. 2, 2019

Finally– a photo of Perth Junction’s train station, where the first 3 scenes of the musical Rough Notes take place!  Fantastic to be able to picture this for ‘real’ now, instead of just visualizing a ‘regular’ station platform.  Now, if anyone could find one from circa 1939…. ????

Perth Junction Station

UPDATE: 2nd-Table-Read/mini-workshop (3 songs introduced), Sept. 19th, Perth. Participants (McKencroft Productions) listed below. Thanks to all!

best,2nd table read photo, whole table

best still, donnie's song, 2nd table

Thanks to the singers: Marianne Bell, Bob Curran, Sandi Tattersall and Richard Reich.  And more thanks to those four, as well as great reading from April James, Norm Smith, Joel Howe, Clark Wilson, Melinda Kavanaugh, Dean Butterfield and Sonja Petersen. Gratitude to Joy Cehovin for helping collate the 2nd drafts of scripts and to Stephanie Kelly of the Blackfly Gazette for coming out to cover the event.  To the latter as well- and to Jocelyn Turner of the Victoria Star- for continued support and enthusiasm for this project as well.  

tired of scrolling down?  Don’t forget we have a new website with all the below info. categorized into different sections for you:

Sept. 2019 – some recent publicity. Click on each to enlarge and read:


August 2019;  AFTER hearing Rough Notes was short-listed by the Highland Arts Theatre in Sydney,N.S., Perth, N.B. Mayor Marianne Bell (where part of the musical is set) announced the developing project at a council meeting and interested local reporters (articles above).  Several rehearsals of various songs are on-going to prepare for the 2nd table-read to be held Sept. 19, 6:30-9:30 in the hall of St. James United Church, Perth. Read captions of next 5 photos for more August news:

cam, still shot
above, met with the young and very talented Cameron Slipp of Woodstock, (3rd year university Musical Theatre student at Waterloo, president of Cabaret Club and just produced his own one-act musical “501” at the Fringe Festival there) who is excited to come on board as arranger, co-composer or assistant to a music-director if funds are raised to produce locally. He is plunking out bits of “Mother, May I Quit Piano?” (Donnie’s Song)

tired of scrolling down?  Don’t forget we have a new website with all the below info. categorized into different sections for you:

In preparation for some pitches we are making to theatre companies and artistic directors across Atlantic Canada and Ontario, I’ve completed some mock-ups (the scene mock-ups are in black and white which you’ll see if you keep scrolling to the bottom of this site) of the CHARACTERS in colour:

And of course it’s important to remember that many of the above characters would play dual roles so that the entire show can be cast with about 12-15 actors.

Also – found a new photo of many of the real-life characters:

rideau hall royals


July, 2019 – working on simple accompaniments for demo. samples, recordings, workshops…


Sandi Tattersall and Sarah Francoeur’s young son Jaxon have agreed to work on “Donnie’s Song (Mother, May I Quit Piano?)” and “Lullaby” as samples for the 2nd table-read in September, as well as for recording better demos. for online links . Thus composer J.Ivanel Johnson is working on simple chord accompaniments.

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by J. Ivanel Johnson & McKencroft Productions

1st Table-read of Rough Notes!

On June 13, 2019, the first table-read-through of the script (with 30 second extracts of each song) took place in Perth-Andover, N.B. Present were: Joe McLaughlin, Bob Curran, Dean Butterfield,  Sonja McLaughlin,Sarah Francoeur, Sandi and Curtis Tattersall, Zeb Godbout, April James, Marianne Bell, Clark Wilson and playwright J.Ivanel Johnson. Stephanie Kelley of the Blackfly Gazette came by for some photos of the occasion as well. The reading began at 7:10 and lasted until 9:20 with a 4 minute break between acts. Several displays of what the history of the development plus mock-ups of what various scenes might look like (may also be seen and read if you continue scrolling down on this site) were attached to the walls and the most recent John Buchan biographies plus some books by him and his sister Anna (O.Douglas) were set out for perusal.

1st table read photo, 2

tired of scrolling down?  Don’t forget we have a new website with all the below info. categorized into different sections for you:

Script covers as seen above:

script cover

1st table read photo, b&w1st table read photo

The original article in local paper and my partial correcting of some main errors (click to enlarge)

“ROUGH NOTES” – a new Canadian musical by J. Ivanel Johnson & McKencroft Productions


guimont, mclaughlin

mock-ups of how some scenes might look, keep scrolling to the very bottom of the blog to see more black and white photos of various scenes

        (A testimonial from a former Theatre Arts student in England, now based in Seattle. For more bio, credentials scroll below and also see:

phil's testimonial

A New Canadian Musical – “Rough Notes” is a challenge I set for myself when I became bedridden prior to and apres surgery in the late autumn of 2018.  Finding the need to be both creative and productive, and as an English/Drama teacher with a background in music and musical theatre especially, I felt it was time to get writing and composing my own work.  Whilst wishing for it to be linked to Canada, and wanting to incorporate indigenous ways (I taught Drama on a reservation out west for several years) and my passion for protecting the environment as well as linking to my love of literature, and my ties with Scotland, I found the perfect characters to keep me intrigued.   (bios. of real-life characters who are included and relevant credentials of myself can be found at the bottom – just scroll down!  Scroll even further for the 2nd blog posting, with many black and white photos arranged of various scenes – “What Rough Notes MIGHT Look Like…) – J. Ivanel Johnson


tired of scrolling down?  Don’t forget we have a new website with all the below info. categorized into different sections for you:


RURAL LIBRARIES, LITERARY AWARDS AND LITTLE THEATRE CONNECTIONS to the Buchan family: One of the best jobs I ever had, albeit only for a year (I was covering a maternity leave) was in a tiny remote rural library.  I was one of the last librarians across Canada to have the joy of actually stamping the renewal date on cards in the pockets of the books!  I also volunteered at libraries in Dawson City, Yukon and Portage La Prairie, Manitoba and enjoyed my experiences there whole-heartedly. Because Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir were such an important part of establishing and promoting the lending of books in remote and rural areas of Canada, McKencroft Productions hopes to offer certain proceeds from this particular show to FOCAL (Friends of Canadian Libraries) and any other related non-profits FOCAL suggests, once it is in some established production.  Also, two of my good friends/mentors/creative-writing teachers, Tim Wynne-Jones and Chris Scott (both residing in Lanark County, ON when I knew and worked with them) have been recipients of the Governor General’s Literary Award and as the Buchans were responsible for this crucial and influential honour I believe their names and remarkable lives should be kept in the forefront of Canadian history. Lady Tweedsmuir (Susan Buchan) played an important role in establishing what became Ottawa Little Theatre, a branch of which I was an acting and directing member for many years.  And finally, John Buchan’s sister, who wrote as O.Douglas influenced many of my family and inspired and comforted them in times of struggle and ill health. We as a nation, as well as myself personally, owe an enormous debt to the Buchan family and their prolific contributions to our literary and theatrical background. – J. Ivanel Johnson

library, kids, kelvin
with kids in the rural Atwood, Ontario village library during “Read Your Pet A Story” week.

 The following TIME article was probably the most helpful in finding the names of Governor General/Lord Tweedsmuir’s staff… The play is set in August to December 1939, however. It alternates between rural northern New Brunswick (Perth-Andover) and Rideau Hall, in Ottawa.  The Scottish Buchan family have long been admired by my own, as well as several members of McKencroft Productions (Joy Cehovin,  Stephanie Kelley to name two) and thus play an important part in this musical. But so do a cast of other richly diverse and Canadian characters, (many also based on real-life people) who are both rural and urban, and both poignant and humorous.  (And as there are two McLaughlins and two from the Maliseet tribe in McKencroft Productions, those fictitious and comic-relief characters are making positive connections as N.B. reps!)

buchan, time mag

Almost as many books and articles have been written ABOUT “J.B.” as there are books and articles which he authored himself.  The latest is by his grand-daughter Ursula Buchan (coming out this year, 2019) who has kindly answered several questions to help us through some ‘blocks’ we were having re: some of the other real characters.   J. William Galbraith has also offered his kindly assistance in several matters, and his recent bio. of “J.B.” and “the Rideau Hall gang” may be purchased here:

Great article on Ursula Buchan’s new book about “J.B.”, her famous grandfather:

And re: the NORTH AMERICAN publication of the above book, July, 2019 (so timely!), this wonderfully headlined article in the National Post:

rough notes poster


                                  by writer/lyricist/co-composer J.Ivanel Johnson

THE JOURNEY BEGINS IN EARNEST: The first 10 days or so were primarily research, although I did know a lot about the Buchan family already.  There were many details to discover, both through library books mailed to me, and online.  I have also been in contact with Buchan family members and the museum in the U.K.  I also had to research certain details like time period (1939) and other potential characters (some times and characters have of course been amalgamated to fit the constraints of the medium).


The lyrics were written first, with SOME of the Book/Script, in my soft and well-used leather notebook:

after scroll

As the main melodies of a verse, chorus or bridge would come to me, I would record me humming it or would play it on my new purpose-purchased (since I couldn’t sit at the piano) melodica:


Next came the actual writing of the whole ‘book’. (from Cast of Characters, to plot-lines and stage directions to end of Act Two) this was 50 pages of text.  And then typing out all the lyrics took up 70 pages: 

This took about 8 to 10 hours per day to accomplish, 7 days a week, and was finished in the first 3 weeks of November. It was at this point that other members of McKencroft Productions began their development assistance.  By the last week of December I had started using the wonderful online software NOTEFLIGHT (free for the first 10 songs, then sponsor Richard Reich paid for the upgrade as there are 21 songs altogether at this point.)  Joy Cehovin, (B.Mus.) stepped in to proof-read, change, restructure and help notate.  Sandra Tattersall and Anne Schultz were sounding boards.  (Sandra is a trained vocalist whose brother and nephew are professional stage actors (musicals) in Ontario; Anne attends (bi-monthly) productions in Toronto, Hamilton, Drayton, ON.)  Although we WILL need an arranger/orchestrator further ‘down the line’, Noteflight and the others’ assistance helped me to not only notate the melody of each piece, but to add harmonies and some main instruments (like drums in the native-based and war-themed songs, a trumpet and trombone in an upbeat 1940s swing dance number,  or violin or ‘cello in a love ballad, etc.) :

noteflight example

So, altogether, by the end of December: 

musical journal 2

from leather journal scribblings, through first set of typed text and lyrics, to first beginnings of music composition on software: Noteflight.  December 30, 2018

And, as of January 14, 2019: 

Here’s the audio to the entire overture (since this was recorded, it’s been cut back to the standard 4 minutes, as I took out a repeated section that was unnecessary.) This includes a few phrases from 8 of the 20, including the two love songs “Sit With Me Awhile” and “All I’ve Ever Known”, as well as the endearing “Donnie’s Song: Mother May I Quit Piano?”, and the two very up-beat chorus pieces: “Stroke An Oak”, and “Commonwealth”.  Near the end, when a lot of oboe is heard, that is meant to simulate the bagpipes in the Scottish gig that is “Ye’ll No Wan’ Muckle Else”, during the Hogmanay final scene.

journal 3, musical


“Oh, wouldn’t it be luv-er-ly!”


above, J.Ivanel Johnson (Julie) and  McKencroft Productions member Sandra Tattersall doing a number from the musical “Waitress” in Perth, N.B. for a charity show in October 2018, just prior to the “Rough Notes” project being begun. Sandi is currently (July 2019) rehearsing Ruth Redfern’s solo in “Donnie’s Song” as well as the beautiful “Lullaby” for future workshops, demos. and the 2nd table-read in Sept.

CREDENTIALS OF J. Ivanel Johnson:  see also:  click on each of below photos to read caption and credits of these two co-written, produced works of J.Ivanel Johnson


J. IVANEL JOHNSON. The latter is a pen name; my given names are Julie Ann (named for Julie Andrews). However, my paternal grandmother was a young stage actress and an unpublished but prolific author named Ivanel Johnson.  My two degrees (combined honours B.A. in Drama and English, and an Artist in Community Education -B.Ed.-  specialist teacher training degree , specifically for the performing arts, in Musical Theatre) are from Canada’s prestigious ‘ivy-league’ Queen’s University.  I have been recognized with awards for both my dramatic performances (Sears Drama Festival, Annandale Performance Scholarship, Ottawa Valley Players)  and my poetry, (National Soc. of Poetry, BBK Press -Another Wordsandwich, Queen’s Literary  – Beyond the Picket Fence) the latter which has helped greatly with writing the lyrics to the songs, of course.  Prior to completing these I had acted both professionally and semi-professionally in countless stage shows, both dramatic and musically-based as well as directing, doing sound, working backstage, going on tour, etc.  I have written and produced two stage shows, one a musical using the music of Supertramp. Just a few of the many musical theatre shows I have DIRECTED, or co-directed – many with approximately 150 in the total cast and crew –  include: Fiddler on the Roof, The Music Man, FantaSEAS (my own), and truncated versions of Oklahoma, L’il Abner and My Fair Lady. I have also directed to festival-calibre, such dramatic shows as Tad Mosel’s Impromptu and Ken Ludwig’s Postmortem (pre-cursor to his The Game’s Afoot).   I enjoy grouping the below 2 photos together. The one on the left is my grandmother Ivanel on stage in the 1930s (when Rough Notes takes place) in a similar position to my own, on the right, (in Foot/Marriot’s No Sex Please We’re British, in 1993).


 I have always sung in choirs, and prior to this particular musical hobby, played piano, ‘cello and guitar for fifteen years, accompanying children’s choirs as well as my sister, a professional violinist, for various concerts and events. I was the music director for a children’s choir in Montana for a short time, taking over a maternity leave. My mother, a dedicated piano teacher for 25 years, made sure I had a strong understanding of the basics of music theory which has helped me greatly in the composing and it is her father, Alexander McKenzie who was born in a crofters cottage in Scotland and for whom McKencroft Productions is named.  Having lived in the highlands of Aberdeenshire myself for a year (to be near to where my maternal roots were), and living now just outside of Perth, a very Scottish-settled area in New Brunswick, I was keen to incorporate a great “Canadian”- Governor General John Buchan –  born in Perth, Scotland!  into this musical. Details of his life and his famous sister, wife, and descendants are found below, as well as other real-life characters who appear in this musical, if primarily in name only.  


           Is this based on a true Canadian story? Certainly!

But, while many of the characters and incidents that occur are real, there is necessarily a certain amount of amalgamation – of characters, of time-lines, and of course some fictional characters are added to represent a ‘group’ of others… For instance, McLaughlin and his Perth-Andover,  New Brunswick  friends are fictional;    he represents the Scottish settlers in Canada (as well as the Scottish ties of the Buchans), Guimont represents the French settlers, and Bear represents the native peoples of Canada. Governor General John Buchan (1935-1940) was very keen to acknowledge all of Canada’s individual groups and wished to integrate them as well as keep their individual traditions and cultures alive. He spoke and wrote of this desire extensively. His other passion during his term was trying to save Canada’s vast tracts of forest and protect the wildlife and our wilderness. Environmentalist Grey Owl (a Brit masquerading as an indigenous Canadian) had met with J.B. on several occasions as did many chiefs of various tribes to try and solve various ecological issues.

Pete and his family and neighbours represent the small-town and wilderness pioneers of the early 20th century, and these are the plain folk to whom Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir (Mr. and Mrs. Buchan) strove to bring ‘magic and imagination and education’ with their setting up of rural libraries and literacy programs, one of their greatest legacies to this nation. John Buchan was an internationally-known figure, although he was the first ‘commoner’ to become a Governor General of a Commonwealth country. (He was made a baron only after accepting the position). “Through his prolific writing and by his many and varied contributions to public life, he was a highly influential figure, particularly during the inter-war period. His final role as Governor General of Canada, and the popularity of film adaptations of his novel “The Thirty Nine Steps”, (notably, a version by Hitchcock) have also helped to give him a reputation which continues to this day. As a novelist, historian, journalist, politician, soldier and public servant, his influence can be seen in numerous areas of the first half of the twentieth century, ” *and as he died in Canada in early 1940, this musical examines his last months, and thus ‘smooshes’ several important events together into the final six months of his tenure here. His wife Susie was indeed an aspiring play-wright and later published several books. During their time in Ottawa, she was an active member of the Ottawa Little Theatre (then called the Ottawa Drama League) and helped establish its playwright competitions and workshops which are still held to this day.

*taken from the Peebles, Scotland John Buchan Museum notes

J.B.’s beloved sister, Anna, was a famous author in her own right, using the pen name O.Douglas and penning many ‘cozies’ about family life and light romance in the hillsides of Scotland. Her last words to her sister-in-law Susie were indeed “but oh! what fun we’ve had, haven’t we?” Even though they lived through both world wars and saw much destruction of human lives and the planet at large! (The song “April 9, 1917” is all based on fact – Anna and John lost their brother Alastair, John lost his best friend and business partner, and Anna lost her fiance ALL on Easter Monday, 1917- in a battle in France.)


The three primary ‘secretarys’ are LOOSELY based on the real Rideau Hall staff the Governor General of Canada had at the time, although I’ve changed their ages and some circumstances to give variety and to develop plot-lines within the restrictions of the 1939 setting. Redfern was married to Ruth and they did have a son “O’Donnell” (Donnie), but he was not a child at this time; Pereira was a widower and did marry Jessie-May as his “2nd-time ‘Round” – just not at the beginning of the 2nd World War! And Mrs. Killick was with John Buchan as his literary secretary for 30 years right up until his death; however, according to the Buchans’ grandchildren she was a lovely-tempered woman and ‘almost NEVER’ complained about J.B.’s scrawly hand-writing, never mind anything else in life! Pereira did act with Susan Buchan in some of the ODL plays, one of which was based on J.B.’s short stories.  

(for more on how some of the characters/scenes might look, continue 
scrolling down to the 2nd blog posting below these profiles)

And finally, Genevieve Lipsett was a real person – a lawyer, journalist and suffragette, and deserves more mention in Canadian history than she gets. She WAS the first female journalist to be allowed access as an official reporter to the House of Parliament, AND to have her portrait hung in the Press Gallery in Ottawa, but this was just before Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir’s time. However, with the plot line involving the ambitious reporters, I felt Genevieve deserved to be moved up into the 1939 setting to help keep her name alive (although sadly she had already passed away in 1935 age 50). Rideau Hall had many more servants and “Aides de Camps” as they were called due to the military backgrounds of most Governors General, and I have simply made a small representation of them within the script, with a nod to Nanny as a hard-working child-care worker caught as so many were between her place with the servants and with the family.

The final scene is completely from my own imagination. Although Anna did visit her brother and sister-in-law at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, it was not in these final months of J.B.’s life (1939) when he had to endure being the witness to Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s declaration of war, despite his prayers for world peace after the horrors of WW1. While J.B.’s health was always a struggle, and his mother, sister and wife DID insist he stay on a bland diet due to ulcers (one of the reasons rich foods and salty hams, etc. are frequently mentioned in his novels!) no one was aware in the last few weeks of his life (as is intimated in the show) that he would suddenly have a brain haemorrhage, fall and hit his head on the bath-tub and die 5 days later, despite several surgeries. The musical’s story ends just weeks before this sad occurrence; but many say that with his desperate hope that another world war would NOT have transpired, it may be just as well that he would not know the ravages it generated. Certainly with his passion for preserving the wilderness of the Scottish Highlands and the Canada he had traversed well, it is fortunate that he did not live on to see how those stunning mountains and valleys, lakes and rivers, have been torn and twisted, contaminated and corrupted.



How “Rough Notes” might look: Various Scenes

for rnsite14                         Dancing during the song “Rough Notes”, outside Rideau Hall.


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Ruth tries to understand why Donnie thinks his father called him ‘a little penis’ !

above, Pressman 1 & 2 (with Gen) perform in “Rough Notes” song, whilst slimy Bernie tells his Boss he’s got a new lead…


Act 1, Sc. 3 – Greet the Great – goings-on at the PERTH Train Station, N.B.


Guilmont and McLaughlin prepare for wedding (apron scene)


“Bear” in “Stroke An Oak”

sec song

The Secretarys’ Song (or 2nd Time ‘Round) (two Aides de Camps, Redfern, Pereira, Mrs. Killick and Lord Tweedsmuir (behind her) )  Going over speeches and manuscripts!

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above, Pereira and Jessie May during Secretarys’ Song

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above, top of Act II, Sc. 8 – listening to Mackenzie King’s speech after war declared.


above, Pete and Beth on apron in Act II, Sc. 2  dancing and singing to “All I’ve Ever Known”

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Fred Pereira and Jessie May Cross after the radio announcement

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near end of Act II, Sc. 8, when Redfern is just about to leap through the window to discover Gen tackling Bernie Dupuis eavesdropping outside (Redfern, Ruth, Pereira, Lady Tweedsmuir and Lord Tweedsmuir, DS)

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Anna and Ruth discuss MacKenzie King’s losing his page 3 prior to the live radio broadcast.  Anna (O.Douglas) rings her Toronto publishers.



above, Beth, on apron in her Pete’s parents’ General Store in Perth, N.B. – singing “Such A Time As This”


Donnie helps Cook prepare for traditional Canadian Christmas

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Preparing for the Hogmanay Celebrations

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Final Scene – Hogmanay : “Where is Mr. McLaughlin?”

There he is, below!  McLaughlin (left) and  Guimont (right)

guimont, mclaughlin